Emphasis in Environmental Analysis at Harvey Mudd

环境分析非常符合太阳2平台的使命,即培养将技术严谨和参与紧迫的社会问题结合起来的学生. There has always been a significant demand for environmental courses, research experiences, and 诊所s at the College. 环境分析的重点提供了一个课程计划,帮助学生以连贯和累积的方式完成他们的环境研究.

The emphasis in environmental analysis is not a major. 而, it is a coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in the sciences, 工程, 而数学则有机会从不同的角度来解决环境问题,这样他们就可以更好地理解他们的工作的影响.

Emphasis Requirements

To complete the emphasis, 学生必须在核心课程之外选修五门具有重要环境分析内容的课程, 校内或校外:

  • 你必须在大三第一学期预注册结束前确认你的学习意图并完成重点课程.
  • A minimum of two courses must be in the recognized disciplines in the humanities, 社会科学, and the arts (but may take up to three).
  • A minimum of two courses must be in the in science, 工程 and mathematics (but may also take up to three)
  • At least three of these courses must be upper-division courses.
  • 与希克森中心和学生的重点教师顾问协调批准, up to two summer research, 长达一年的研究, 或一年的临床经验与大量的环境分析成分可以计算在五门课程的总数.

How to 应用 and Find an Advisor

在学生第五学期预注册期结束前的任何时间, a student can initiate the process to pursue the emphasis:

  1. the student must complete the Emphasis in Environmental Analysis – Interest Form declaring their interest in completing the emphasis. This is a student’s initial entryway and application into the emphasis.
  2. 在提交表格后,Hixon中心将把学生添加到强调邮件列表(eea-l@g.volamdolong.com) and create an online application (sample application available)和会议记录. This online document will be accessible to the student, their emphasis faculty advisor, 希克森中心, and the Office of the 注册商.

此时此刻, 学生可以从以下教师中选择一位作为他们的重点指导老师. If they are uncertain about who to select, 希克森中心 will help pair the student with an advisor.

化学Hawkins, Van Heuvelen, Van Ryswyk
工程Dato, Lape, Mendelson*, Santana, Spjut
Humanities, Social Studies and the Arts斯坦伯格*
数学de Pillis
物理Saeta *

学生和教师顾问必须每学期至少见面一次,以审查学生的重点课程路径,并在必要时进行修改. They must update the meeting log in their online application and note any changes.

*On sabbatical in AY 23-24

Completing the Emphasis

成功完成环境分析重点课程要求并在毕业前完成课程的学生将获得Hixon中心颁发的证书, will have the emphasis noted on their official college transcript, and will be recognized in the commencement program during graduation.

To complete the emphasis, 即将毕业的大四学生必须在最后一个学期与他们的导师见面,并确认表格上列出的课程是他们所修的课程. 学生应通知Hixon中心,他们已准备好让注册员以电子方式验证他们的课程. No paper submission is necessary as the registrar has access to the online forms.


强调环境分析在整个日历年中有几个检查点,以确保学生, 教师顾问, 注册办公室可以仔细监控并确保学生通过该计划的进展:







Hixon中心为感兴趣和当前的重点学生举办信息和咨询会议,以了解更多太阳2注册平台该计划的信息,并回答他们的问题. 这是新的和感兴趣的学生通过兴趣表格申请并开始计划他们的重点课程途径的最佳时机.

Mid-November (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, 希克森中心 provides a list of valid, 为即将到来的春季学期指定“EA”或“环境分析”课程. This list is delivered via email and will be posted on this page.

Mid-November (end of pre-registration)

这是学生在第五学期与他们的重点指导老师正式确认的最后期限, 希克森中心, 注册办公室表示,他们打算继续或停止参与该项目. Should the student specify that they will not continue, or fail to confirm that they will, 该学生将被从重点课程中除名,不再能够正式完成该课程.






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Hixon中心为感兴趣和当前的重点学生举办信息和咨询会议,以了解更多太阳2注册平台该计划的信息,并回答他们的问题. 这是新的和感兴趣的学生通过兴趣表格申请并开始计划他们的重点课程途径的最佳时机.

Mid-April (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, 希克森中心 provides a list of valid, designated “EA” or “environmental enalysis” courses for the upcoming fall semester. This list is delivered via email and will be posted on this webpage.

Mid-April (end of pre-registration)

这是学生在第五学期与他们的重点指导老师正式确认的最后期限, 希克森中心, 注册办公室表示,他们打算继续或停止参与该项目. Should the student specify that they will not continue, or fail to confirm that they will, 该学生将被从重点课程中除名,不再能够正式完成该课程.



Other Academic Options

而强调环境分析是一个很好的方式,将环境分析内容纳入一个人的学位路径, 对于对环境分析和可持续发展感兴趣的太阳2平台的学生来说,有很多学术选择,特别是因为克莱蒙特学院有各种各样的环境主题课程. 学生:

  • Complete their HSA concentration in environmental studies, and in doing so may qualify for completing the emphasis in environmental analysis.
  • Design a major in environmental studies as an individual program of studies (IPS).
  • 在另一个5C机构获得Harvey Mudd技术学科和环境分析的双学位.
  • Complete an off-campus major in environmental analysis at one of the 5Cs.
  • 在不进入正式课程的情况下完成环境分析专业的要求.

Courses with EA Emphasis

查阅 EEA课程列表 在哈维穆德和克莱蒙特学院寻找机会,有资格完成重点课程.